Monday, February 9, 2009

Pshyci Evaluation


First thing that is done when I reported to the Psychirist office is we talked for about two hours about my life things that had happened in my life far back as I could remember.  After this part was over he decided I think that my behavior was related to grief from my sons abrupt passing.  Got a break then I got to fill out a short questionnaire of about 15 questions.  Then I to go into this little office with a woman who was to administer the tests listed below, not necessarily in the order that I put them in. Pictures are additional tests.

Test one - you are read a list of about 15 words then asked to recite as many as you remember.  After they have read you this list three times and you have recited all the words you remember they then again recite the list with more words in it and you have to tell them if the word was or was not in the original list.

Test two - you are given four or five cartoon cards in sets one set at a time and you have to put them in order of events.

Test three - you are shown several pictures one at a time and expected to tell what is missing.

Test four - you are read some numbers and letters in mixed up order and you are expected to put them in order numbers first then letters alphabetically.  This starts out with a combination of four and more are added as you get the next string of letters and numbers read to you.

Test five - you are given a number and told to either add or subtract a number until they say stop.  Remember accuracy and speed are your best friends. Example 72 take 6 away until they say stop - 72-6=66-6=60-6=54=6=48 etc. No paper or pencil for these.  They must be done in your head.

Test six - Several history questions - I cant even remember the questions except the one “Who is Cleopatra” which I could not answer.

Test seven - Vocabulary - They give you several words which you are expected to supply a meaning for. Example “Happy” “Compassion” and other words like these.

Test eight - They give you a word and you have to give the opposite word for the one they give. Example high- low, big- small, etc.

Test nine - You are given a picture to copy using different colors which they change at will (Sample D).

Test ten - They put down four cards, 1-blue circle; 2 yellow stars; 3 green triangles; and 4 red squares.  Then they give you a stack of cards to put down in order under these, however they can not tell you in which order they are suppose to go down, matching color, shape or amounts.  After every 3-4 row of cards the sequence changes without you knowing until you have put a card down incorrectly. Then you are told that’s incorrect and you go on to the next card.  I think this test is designed to see how quickly they can frustrate you.

Test eleven and twelve - you are shown a picture for ten seconds then the picture is taken away and you are to draw the picture.  This is done three times. (Sample A & D) These tests are not done together.

Test thirteen -:



This goes on like this for about 20 sets three rows per set, one scans through each of these and puts a slash on all the 2’s and 7’s.

Test fourteen - You are given four blocks (Sample C) and expected to make the blocks look like the picture.  Then you are given all nine blocks and expected to make them look like the pictures shown.

Test fifteen - The picture with numbers on it you are expected to draw the symbols below the number in the little box using the line above with the numbers and symbols below them as a legend.  This is the test you cant go back on and redo if you skipped over a number. (Sample B)

These tests are not administered in order.  My way of identifying each test is by numbering them.  All of the tests except the draw pictures are timed.  The drawings are timed on how long it takes to finish the picture.  In each picture you are given the picture to look at for 10 seconds then it is taken away.  You are expected to draw the picture as you remember it.  You get three tries.

Then comes the worse test of all. . . 334 questions to answer before going home!  All questions relate to what ones personality is like.


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